FRATO's collaboration with Baccarat at Maison & Objet marks a pinnacle of luxury, where FRATO's exquisite furniture takes center stage in the opulent Baccarat Lounge. The chosen pieces not only reflect FRATO's commitment to timeless design but also harmonize seamlessly with Baccarat's renowned crystal craftsmanship, creating an immersive atmosphere that exudes sophistication and refinement. This unique partnership transforms spaces into an embodiment of elegance, where each furniture piece becomes a work of art, complemented by the sparkling allure of Baccarat crystal.
In a reciprocal celebration of craftsmanship, Baccarat's enchanting crystal vases grace the FRATO stand, enhancing the presentation of FRATO's meticulously crafted furniture at Maison & Objet. The fusion of Baccarat's crystal mastery with FRATO's design excellence results in a visual symphony, captivating visitors with a curated experience that transcends the boundaries of conventional luxury. Together, FRATO and Baccarat redefine the standards of elegance, making their collaboration a highlight of Maison & Objet, where beauty and craftsmanship converge in a celebration of artistry.