

From the day FRATO launched in 2010, our founders have been committed to transforming your interior vision from aspiration into reality. One way we do this is by offering an unrivalled level of customisation across our entire catalogue, allowing you to reimagine our signature designs in your own distinctive way.

We make it possible to personalise each of our masterpieces according to our library of different materials and finishes, offering you complete creative freedom. Whether you’re looking for a one-off piece or concepting an entire scheme, you can choose from a wealth of upholstery fabrics, metals, woods and stones, amend the colour palette and alter a design’s proportions, precisely tailoring it to suit your individual style.

This level of versatility is part of FRATO’s DNA and is only possible because we combine the knowledge of our master craftsmen with technical innovation at our state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities in Portugal. We retain total control of production, from design to upholstery, carpentry, metalwork and more, allowing for unparalleled personalisation while also ensuring the superior finish that’s synonymous with the FRATO name.

To find out what is possible, book a consultation with one of our team by contacting [email protected].